Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
32nd European Pediatrics Conference, will be organized around the theme “Enlightening the Advancements and Exploring the New Horizons in Pediatrics”
Euro Pediatrics-2021 is comprised of 20 tracks and 148 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Pediatrics-2021.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Pediatrics can allude as the new current medication of society. A part of Medicine that is centred around the strength of infants, kids, and young people. It is worried about their development and improvement and their capacity to accomplish maximum capacity as grown-ups. As far as possible often runs from birth up to 18 years old. The aim of Pediatrics is to reduce infant and child rate of deaths, control the spread of infectious diseases, promote healthy lifestyles for a long disease-free life and help ease the problems of children and adolescents with chronic conditions.
- Track 1-1Pediatric health and care
- Track 1-2Child abuse pediatrics
- Track 1-3 Developmental-behavioural pediatrics
- Track 1-4 Pediatric physical health
- Track 1-5Pediatric mental health
- Track 1-6Child psychology
- Track 1-7Infant mortality
- Track 1-8Adolescent health and medicine
- Track 1-9Pediatric palliative care
- Track 1-10Autoimmune disorders of the nervous system
Neonatology accentuations on new-conceived new-born children, prevalently sick or untimely new-born's. Kids with a birth imperfection or is conceived rashly, are treated in the NICUs and helped by a neonatologist amid conveyance and the consideration of the new-born child. A neonatologist tends to unpredictable and high-hazard circumstances that a general pediatrician may not be very much prepared to deal with. Perinatology is additionally named as maternal foetal medication.
The Below 3 Basic requirements which play a major role in Neonatology and Perinatology departments
- Infant Cardiac Intensive Care is most important for the care unites because it will play a key role both before and after surgical intervention to the pediatric patients.
- Neonatal respiratory management in minimal long-term complications and
- Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation which supports when the traditional management is not sufficient.
- Track 2-1Prematurity
- Track 2-2Low birth weight
- Track 2-3Breast Feeding
- Track 2-4Intrauterine growth restriction
- Track 2-5Birth asphyxia
Pediatric Cardiology is the part of Medicine focused on scatters of the heart and the circulatory framework and consequently treating youngsters conceived with or who create heart or vascular framework deformities, irregularities or inadequacies. A portion of the indications extend from heart mumbles and chest agony to lightheaded spells, muscle issue, valve abandons, sporadic heartbeat, palpitations, high or low circulatory strain, and different issues identified with the veins.
- Track 3-1Cardiac Health in Children
- Track 3-2Tetralogy of Fallot
- Track 3-3Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
- Track 3-4Atrioventricular Canal Defect
- Track 3-5Pulmonary Atresia
- Track 3-6Pediatric cardiac ICU
- Track 3-7Advanced Imaging
Pediatric Allergy and immunology is the part of medicine concerned with the youngster's resistant framework. They advance the screening, conclusion, and treatment of youngsters with a wide exhibit of invulnerable issues. A portion of the fundamental factors that change or weaken invulnerable reaction are sensitivities to nourishment, synthetics, medications, and plants, extreme unfavourably susceptible responses hypersensitivity based dermatitis and acquired deformities
- Track 4-1Asthma
- Track 4-2Hay fever
- Track 4-3Sinusitis pediatrics
- Track 4-4Pediatric eczema
- Track 4-5Hives
- Track 4-6Pediatric Immune disorders
- Track 4-7Drug allergies
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine is considered as a deferred procedure of advancing in the ventilation and revival, physiology and life structures, Pediatric crisis solution, Pediatric medical procedure, Pediatric cardiology, pediatric general drug. The pediatric nursing assume a noteworthy job in assessment of basic consideration units. Doctors of pediatric basic consideration still engaged with numerous wonderful accomplishments by understanding the intricacies of treatment to the kids who are basically sick.
- Track 5-1Intensive care treatment of children and new-born
- Track 5-2Severe asthma
- Track 5-3Deep diabetic ketoacidosis
- Track 5-4Severe pneumonia
- Track 5-5Coma
- Track 5-6Congenital heart disease
- Track 5-7Pediatric Heart failure
- Track 5-8Pediatric Neurologic injuries
- Track 5-9Pediatric Respiratory failure
- Track 5-10Pediatric Seizures
- Track 5-11Pediatric Sepsis
- Track 5-12Pediatric Trauma
The sub-strength of both pediatrics and crisis medication is known as pediatric emergency medicine (PEM). It includes unscheduled, undifferentiated kids' who are enduring with intense disease or wounds which requires prompt medicinal consideration. In the division of pediatric crisis prescription the concentrated consideration units are effectively composed 24/7.The doctors will give dynamic administrations to the kids by embraced vital examinations and mediations to analyse patients who are in intense stage. The act of pediatric crisis doctors is done in healing center at crisis office.
- Track 6-1Pediatric Poisoning
- Track 6-2Child Sepsis
- Track 6-3Pediatric Septic Shock
- Track 6-4Pediatric Topical Anaesthesia
- Track 6-5 Corneal Abrasions in Child
Pediatric Endocrinology is worried about a wide cluster of clutters related to the hormones and endocrine frameworks, for example, varieties of physical development and sexual improvement in adolescence, diabetes and some more. A portion of the precedents incorporate diabetes, thyroid concerns, early or postponed pubescence, glucose issues, quickened or deferred development, adrenal or pituitary organ brokenness, and ovarian or testicular disarranges.
- Track 7-1Adrenal glands disorders
- Track 7-2Bone and mineral disorders
- Track 7-3Diabetes, including type 1 and type 2
- Track 7-4Growth disorders
- Track 7-5Lipid disorders
- Track 7-6Pituitary disorders
- Track 7-7Puberty disorders
- Track 7-8Thyroid disorders, including thyroid cancer
- Track 7-9Adrenoleukodystrophy
Pediatric gastroenterology is the part of Medicine which manages the sicknesses and ailments of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. These conditions might hold on during childbirth or surface in the later stage as the youngster creates. Normal precedents incorporate nourishment hypersensitivities, colitis, anorexia and bulimia, celiac sickness, Cohn's ailment, loose bowels, gluten affectability, ceaseless stoppage, crabby gut disorder, inability to flourish, and other related stomach related and disposal issues.
- Track 8-1Short bowel syndrome
- Track 8-2Celiac disease
- Track 8-3Gastroenteritis
- Track 8-4Inflammatory bowel disease
- Track 8-5Necrotizing enterocolitis
- Track 8-6Gastroschisis and omphalocele
Majority of the kids are conceived solid with birth abandons or some other therapeutic issues. However, sometimes youngsters are conceived with contrasts in their mental health, structure of body, or body science that can prompt issues with wellbeing, improvement, their execution and social association. Youngsters acquire half of their hereditary data from their mom and the other half from their dad. Qualities, alone or in blend, figure out what includes a man acquires from his or her folks. Pediatric geneticists involve the restorative consideration to offspring of any age from birth to immaturity. Tests are led on all new-born children paying little mind to regardless of whether they seem solid, since numerous deformities are not noticeable during childbirth.
- Track 9-1Congenital abnormalities
- Track 9-2Inborn errors of metabolism
- Track 9-3Familial or hereditary problems
- Track 9-4Foetal alcohol syndrome
- Track 9-5Fragile X syndrome
- Track 9-6Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Infectious Diseases in children are disarranges caused by life forms — for example, microbes, infections, organisms or parasites. Numerous living beings live in and on our bodies. They're regularly safe or even supportive, yet under specific conditions, a few life forms may cause infection. Some irresistible illnesses can be passed from individual to individual. Some are transmitted by chomps from bugs or creatures. What's more, others are procured by ingesting sullied sustenance or water or being presented to creatures in the earth. Signs and side effects fluctuate contingent upon the living being causing the contamination, however frequently incorporate fever and exhaustion. Mellow contaminations may react to rest and home cures, while some dangerous diseases may require hospitalization.
- Track 10-1Lyme disease
- Track 10-2Pediatric HIVAIDS
- Track 10-3Pneumonia
- Track 10-4Osteomyelitis
- Track 10-5Tuberculosis
- Track 10-6Persistent Infections
- Track 10-7Primary immune deficiency
- Track 10-8MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection
Pediatric Nephrology is resolved to treat youngsters who are conceived with or create kidney issue or ailments related with their kidneys, bladder, urethra or private parts. Complete conditions incorporate blood in the pee, circulatory strain issues identified with kidney productivity, kidney stones, bladder issues, swelling, diminished kidney capacity, and water maintenance issues, and pee contaminations. As a result of the critical cover in capacity and treatment, pediatric nephrologists and urologists frequently work firmly together. Conditions go from urinary tract hindrances and mutations of the private parts to dysfunctions, for example, bedwetting and incontinence, issues, for example, hernias and undescended testicles, and urinary tract diseases.
- Track 11-1Congenital and genetic disorders
- Track 11-2Acute and chronic renal failure
- Track 11-3Acute and chronic renal failure
- Track 11-4Fluid and electrolyte disorders
- Track 11-5Glomerular disease
- Track 11-6 Haemolytic-uremic syndrome
- Track 11-7Nephrolithiasis
- Track 11-8Pediatric renal transplantation
- Track 11-9Pediatric renal transplantation
- Track 11-10Urologic disorders
- Track 11-11Nephrotic syndrome
- Track 11-12Pediatric renal tumours
Pediatric nervous system science or tyke nervous system science is a specific division of pharmaceutical which manages the analysis and administration of neurological conditions in neonates, new-born children, youngsters and youths. The order of kid nervous system science fathoms ailments and clutters of the spinal string, cerebrum, fringe sensory system, autonomic sensory system, muscles and veins that influence people in these age gatherings. Nervous system science depends intensely on the field of neuroscience, or, in other words investigation of sensory system.
- Track 12-1Cerebral palsy
- Track 12-2Seizures/epilepsy
- Track 12-3Headaches and migraines
- Track 12-4Stroke
- Track 12-5Autism
- Track 12-6Neurological disorders
- Track 12-7Neuromuscular disorders
- Track 12-8Neurocutaneous syndromes
- Track 12-9Metabolic disorders affecting the nervous system
Pediatric Nutrition alludes to the dietary necessities of babies and new-born children. An adjusted eating routine comprises of all the fundamental supplements and the sufficient calorie consumption important to advance legitimate development and support the physiological necessities at the distinctive phases of a kid's improvement. Amid the baby arrange the requirement for calories is more noteworthy than any postnatal stage because of fast increment in both tallness and weight. When all is said in done the normal kid extends 55% of vitality on metabolic maintenance, 25% on movement, 12% development, and 8% on discharge.
- Track 13-1Nutritional requirements
- Track 13-2Overweight and obesity
- Track 13-3Malnutrition
- Track 13-4Eating disorders
- Track 13-5Food allergies and intolerances
- Track 13-6Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation
Pediatric osteology is a blend of both osteology and pediatrics. It, for the most part, manages logical investigation, conclusion and treatment of various bones and their relative issue in kids. A therapeutic expert who spends significant time in this field of pediatric osteology is called pediatric osteologist. Skeletal components, bones, and teeth related clutters will go under pediatric osteology.
- Track 14-1Pediatric Bone remodelling
- Track 14-2Bone Diseases in children
- Track 14-3Low bone density and osteoporosis in children
- Track 14-4Bone cancer and infections in children
- Track 14-5Kawasaki Disease
Pediatric or youth weight is the most pervasive wholesome turmoil among youngsters and teenagers around the world. The event of heftiness is most astounding among racial gatherings. It expands the danger of heart maladies in youngsters and grown-ups. Youth stoutness inclines the person to insulin obstruction and sort 2 diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, liver and kidney infections and causes conceptive brokenness in grown-ups. Stoutness in kids is a noteworthy wellbeing worry of the created world. Components, for example, dietary patterns, hereditary qualities, condition, digestion, and way of life assume an essential job in the advancement of heftiness. The indications of stoutness incorporate breathing issue, rest apnoea, unending obstructive pneumonic sickness, certain kinds of growth, for example, prostate, inside, bosom and uterine, coronary illness, diabetes (type 2 in youngsters), despondency, liver and gallbladder issues, gastro-oesophageal reflux ailment, hypertension, elevated cholesterol , stroke, and joint ailments, for example, osteoarthritis, torment in knees and lower back
- Track 15-1Eating Disorders
- Track 15-2Type 2 diabetes
- Track 15-3Hypertension
- Track 15-4Hyperlipidaemia
- Track 15-5Osteoarthritis
- Track 15-6Prader-Willi syndrome
- Track 15-7Hypothyroidism
Child Abuse therapist helps in finding and treatment of kids who are associated exploited people with maltreatment and abuse including psychological mistreatment, physical maltreatment and sexual maltreatment, Cognitive and different factitious ailment. Tyke and youthful specialist utilize the information of natural, psychological, and social factors in working with the patients. Pediatricians may treat kids with ceaseless conditions that have happened because of disregard or misuse, likewise lack of healthy sustenance or mental issue.
- Track 16-1Physical abuse pediatrics
- Track 16-2Sexual abuse pediatrics
- Track 16-3Physiological abuse
- Track 16-4Childhood Pregnancy
Pediatric Oncology is a branch is given to improving outcomes created to build the results for the kids with tumour tendency disorders. Pediatric oncology is the part of solution worried about the finding and treatment of infection in adolescents. Around the globe, it is assessed that kid tumour has an event of more than 175,000 for consistently, and a passing rate of pretty about 96,000 for every year. In made nations, youth risk has a mortality of essentially 20% of cases.
- Track 17-1Brain tumour
- Track 17-2Childhood leukaemia
- Track 17-3Germ cell tumours
- Track 17-4 Lymphomas
- Track 17-5Wilms tumour
- Track 17-6Neuroblastoma
- Track 17-7Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Track 17-8Childhood rhabdomyosarcoma
- Track 17-9Retinoblastoma
- Track 17-10Osteosarcoma
- Track 17-11Hepatoblastoma
- Track 17-12Chemotherapy
- Track 17-13Radiation therapy
Pediatric Ophthalmology is the part of prescription worried about the consideration of Children's eyes. An ophthalmologist has the most extreme information of conceivable conditions that influence the pediatric patient and his/her eyes. Improvement of vision happens until an age of 12 years. A portion of the states of the eye are misalignment of the eyes likewise called as Strabismus, uncorrected refractive blunder known as near-sightedness, hyperopia and astigmatism and Anisometropia known as asymmetry of refractive mistake between the eyes which cause amblyopia. These conditions ought to be dealt with ahead of schedule so to keep up and grow great vision.
- Track 18-1Pediatric glaucoma
- Track 18-2Pediatric Conjunctivitis
- Track 18-3Pediatric Strabismus
- Track 18-4Pediatric Amblyopia
- Track 18-5Retinopathy of prematurity
Pediatric Psychology is worried to inspect if a youngster or immature has any learning, social or formative issues. There can be various issues including learning, deferred advancement in discourse, consideration issue engine aptitudes, and thinking capacity and other habitual issue. Youngster misuse therapist helps in determination and treatment of kids who are associated unfortunate casualties with maltreatment and abuse including physical maltreatment, psychological mistreatment and sexual maltreatment, Cognitive and different fictitious disease. kid and immature therapist utilizes the information of organic, psychological, and social factors in working with the patients. Paediatricians may treat kids with incessant conditions that have happened because of disregard or misuse, additionally ailing health or mental issues.
- Track 19-1Developmental disorders
- Track 19-2Disorders of attention and behaviour
- Track 19-3Psychotic disorders
- Track 19-4Mood disorders
- Track 19-5Anxiety disorders
- Track 19-6Eating disorders
- Track 19-7Gender identity disorder
Numerous relationships that affect the level of care a patient receives exist in our healthcare society. None may be more important than the relationship between a patient and their physician. As physicians continually strive to improve the level of quality they provide, the need for more targeted and precise patient data grows. Medical Informatics is delivering that data.
Medical informatics is the sub-discipline of health informatics that directly impacts the patient – physician relationship. It focuses on the information technology that enables the effective collection of data using technology tools to develop medical knowledge and to facilitate the delivery of patient medical care. The goal of medical informatics is to ensure access to critical patient medical information at the precise time and place it is needed to make medical decisions. Medical informatics also focuses on the management of medical data for research and education.
- Track 20-1Health care information systems
- Track 20-2Computer Aided Diagnosis
- Track 20-3Medical Image Processing
- Track 20-4Molecular bioinformatics
- Track 20-5Molecular bioinformatics